Creation is known as God’s ‘other book’ of revelation. I revel in the beauty of nature whether it’s splashing along the shore or finding my way along soft, leaf-littered trails. The solitude is energizing and healing. For me, it is the oft overlooked ‘ordinary’ places that offer a glimpse of the divine. Glancing down an unremarkable path into the woods, I see a soft shaft of light illuminate a bed of ferns nestled alongside a rock wall. Or maybe I’m clinging to the edge of a creek, and I notice the trout lilies and Trillium in shades of gold and wine. Sitting on rocks at ocean’s edge, a pool of transparent water magnifies purple and silver shell fragments, and mustard yellow lichens paint the graphite hued rocks. I am in love with creation.
Along the lakeside trail, I feel the urge to rest in the soft greens of moss and fern. Christian Mystic, Mechthild of Magdeburg comes to mind, describing resting in the bosom of God. It is like God has laid this emerald cloak down to invite the weary traveler to be renewed and refreshed. (oil on panel, 2015)
On one of my nearly daily beach walks, I returned home past some of the cottages at Ocean Park. Everywhere I looked, I spied gorgeous red, pink, and white wild roses all budded and ready to burst forth. I couldn’t resist! Snapped a few photos and went straight home to the studio to paint this very sculptural oil on panel, displayed on mini easel. 2018 5” x 5” $75 sold.
This little darling is out of context. lol. He/She is normally escapading along the ocean shore with a bevy of friends. But this wee one, was alone and appeared to be meditating. No projection going on here, haha. So I decided he/she needed a small reflecting pool near the edge of the marsh which would be the ideal venue. And do you know how difficult it is to make a really cute little bird not look cutesy?!! But I think it was fairly successful. It was a gift to my dad for his 80th birthday. Do you know how many painting he’s got? 2015 oil on wood cradle. 5” x 5” gift.